Student Onboarding and Success. (formerly Admissions)

Education Navigators - Contact a Staff Member


Please use the list of contacts below to assist you in connecting with the services or resources you are seeking. You will find your Education Navigator divided by county, academic pathway, and/or last name. You can make an appointment with your Education Navigator for questions about the admissions process, assistance with advising and registration, withdrawing from courses, access to resources or services, or questions regarding changing your academic pathway.

What is an Education Navigator? An Education Navigator will:

  • Serve as an initial point of contact for you
  • Assist you with onboarding to 推荐正规买球平台, academic planning, advising, and registration in an academic pathway
  • Introduce you to your career community and support career pathway exploration
  • Assist you in staying on your academic pathway
  • Help you address academic concerns and connect to resources
  • Assist you with navigating personal obstacles
  • Will check in with you often
  • Help you with course withdrawals or changing your program/major
  • If pursuing a competitive admissions program, will serve as your advisor until you are accepted into the program

Chatham County Education Navigators

Harnett County Education Navigators

Lee County Education Navigators

Harnett County Staff

Lee County Staff